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The production of electric chargers to tell you why the charger charging hot?

2022-02-23 12:04:42

The production of electric chargers to tell you why the charger charging hot? The phone charger is connected to the data cable, and the current and voltage of the phone charger are much higher than that of the USB charger, so the phone charger will be heated. Figure 2. Cell phone chargers charge faster than computers, because they have higher voltage, higher charging current, lower voltage and lower current, so they don’t get hot when playing with your phone charger, when playing with a cell phone charger, load equals charging load + cell phone power load. As a result, playing with your phone while it’s charging can overheat the charger and even burn it out. Does the charger explode when heated? When the phone is charged, the charger is heated normally, depending on the output current and the ambient temperature. With the popularity of smart phones, the demand for chargers is getting higher and higher. In the era of feature phones, 500ma chargers can no longer meet the demand for charging speed. As a result, we now have regular chargers with current higher than 1A, and many chargers with current up to 2A. In addition to increasing the current, the size of the charger is also an issue. Small chargers are usually more portable. However, the smaller the volume, the worse the heat loss, the more demanding the electronic component is. In the case of capacitors, high-voltage capacitors become smaller and smaller, with constant capacity and better resistance to voltage and temperature. If the voltage is not high enough, the capacitor will break. In addition, the charger high temperature switch and the charger high temperature switch also has a great relationship, if the switch tube specification is not high, then the current through, the heat will be greater.Mobile phone charger manufacturers, mobile phone charger heating Solution 1, mobile phone charger heating solution can not use the cottage charger. There are many electronic component inside the charger, which works by converting 220 volts of alternating current into 5 volts of direct current through a bridge rectifier, then charging the phone through a data cable. If, in the process, 220 volts of alternating current flows over the bridge and the switch tube, and the charger’s short circuit protection and insulation fail, the charger may directly 220 volts of alternating current to the cable and telephone, causing an accident. Mobile phone charger heating solution, put it in a cool place to charge. If your phone charger is too hot, keep it in a cool place, such as an air-conditioned room, in the summer so it’s not too hot. Mobile Phone Charger Heating Solution: do not play with the phone while charging. Playing with the phone while charging can cause the charger to overheat because it will work longer than normal, which is detrimental to the charger and may reduce its life span. MOBILE PHONE CHARGER HEATING SOLUTION: no overload. Ordinary mobile phone charger original charger 3 hours or so can be fully charged, do not continue to charge, otherwise it will lead to charger overload operation, become overheated, remember to pull the charger. MOBILE PHONE CHARGER HEATING SOLUTION: be careful around the heat source. Mobile phone charging, the charger should be away from the heat source, such as gas stove, steamer, etc. . Lest the ambient temperature is too high, causing the charger to overheat. Figure 6. Mobile Phone Charger Heating Solution: reduce the number of charges. If the battery is recharged more than once a day, it will overheat the charger, so we should limit the number of charges, usually once a day, to help extend the life of the charger.

Production of electric chargers

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